OVA rules will be adhered to with the exception of the following modifications:

  1. All players must be 19 years of age or older as of the first game
  2. No spectators under the age of 19 will be allowed due to insurance policies.  No game can start with any spectator under the age of 19 years.  Having them in the hall/corridor is not permitted.  If the player with the spectator under the age of 19 years has been asked to remove the child and/or children from the schools/building and does not comply within a timely fashion the game will not start.  If the spectator is not removed by the schedule game time the game will result in all three games being defaulted for the team the person is on.  Staff working for the HHMVL are exempted from this rule.
  3. No street shoes are allowed on the gym floor.  Please bring appropriate shoes with non-marking soles for play.
  4. A team must carry a minimum of 2 Guys and 2 Girls on its roster.  There is a maximum of 14 players per team roster.  Changes to team rosters after December 31st require written permission from the executive.  Team captain must request roster changes by email at executive@hhmvl.com and provide the reason why the change is necessary. The executive reserves the right to decline such request subject to the rules herein.  
    1. For game play, the minimum number of players to constitute a team is four (4) with 2 males and 2 females on the court.  Failure to do so will result in forfeiting the win and to proceed with an exhibition match.  A warm up is provided at the discretion of the referee.   This is a “grace period”, once this time period has lapsed the first game will be defaulted.  The second game will default in another 5 minutes and the last game will be defaulted 20 minutes past the original start time.
    2. No more than three (3) males may be on the court at any time.
  5. Serving
    1. Serves must be made from behind the serving line, one foot over the service line is permitted at the discretion of the referee
    2. A whistle will indicate service.  Failure to wait for a whistle will result in a re-serve
    3. Maximum 5 serves per server
    4. Service out of order will result in a loss of service and any points accumulated by that server will be deleted
    5. Players rotating in will enter to the centre rear position
  6. Scoring will be by rally point – each game will be to twenty-five (25) points (win by 2 with a cap of 27).  If time for the match expires, the leading team will be awarded the win.
  7. If the ball is in play when time expires, that point will be played out.  The referee will call time and give a 1 minute warning.
  8. Each win is awarded 1 point
  9. All calls by the referee are final, and are not to be disputed
    1. First offense:  Referee will warn player
    2. Second offense:  Suspended from the game
    3. Third offense:  Suspended from the league
    4. Protests will not be accepted or considered when concerning judgment calls of the referee
  10. No alcoholic beverages allowed on school property.  Smoking on school property is strictly prohibited
  11. Failure to abide by the above league rules will result in disciplinary action by the Executive Committee.


  1. Any player determined to have committed any verbal or physical aggression against a referee and/or any member of HHMVL will be barred from the league immediately.  The act resulting in the barring will be reviewed by a committee appointed by the executive officers.  Once reviewed, the period of suspension can be changed by the committee based on its findings.  The review committee can be any current and/or past executive that can be asked to sit on the committee by the current executive. 
  2. Any player determined to be the aggressor in a fight will be suspended immediately.  The relevant incident will be reviewed by a committee appointed by the executive officers.  Once reviewed, the period of suspension can be changed by the committee based on its findings.  Further, the committee can rule that other participants involved in the incident will be disciplined.
  3. Any player receiving a second suspension during a season shall not be permitted to play any further games that season.  His/Her eligibility to return to play in the following season will be reviewed by the executive officers.
  4. Committees described in rules 1 and 2 shall consist of a minimum of three positions of the league executive.  No member of a committee can be a person involved in the matter that the committee is to rule upon.
  5. Committee decisions must be brought to the attention of the appropriate team captain.  The captain then has the responsibility of notifying the player(s) involved of that decision as soon as possible.
  6. When a suspended player or team captain disagrees with any decision made by a committee such person has 48 hours from the time of captain’s notification in which to appeal such decision.  Appeals must be made to an executive officer in writing.  The executive officer being notified of the request to appeal will acknowledge and set a date on which the appeal will be heard.  The appeal must be heard within 2 weeks and the acknowledgment and date setting must occur within 48 hours.
  7. Team Forfeit

A) First offence = loss of points for that night and letter to team captain that explains consequences of next forfeit

B) Second offence = $25 fine payable within 30 days (or prior to playoffs, whichever occurs first)

C) Third offence =$50 fine payable within 30 days (or prior to playoffs, whichever occurs first)

D) Any fines not paid within 30-day period (or prior to playoffs) will be suspended from play until paid in full

E) Fourth offence = playoff elimination

F) Excludes any in-game injuries.



  8)    Illegal Player

                   *Defined as a non-registered player.

                              Use of an illegal player
                          A)    First offence = Team forfeits that night and falls into the Team Forfeit rule, as well, the

player will receive written warning                                                                                                                       

                    B) Second offence = 2-week suspension for player and Team Forfeit rules apply


                    C) Third offence = Loss of playoff privileges for player, and Team Forfeit rules apply

                    D) Fourth offence = Season suspension for player and Team Forfeit rules applies.

              8b)   Legal Player
                    * defined as a registered player or an on-call player
              8c)    Playoffs

                    *Clarification of eligibility for playoffs - all players must play 3 matches.

                    1 set = 1 game. 3 sets(games) = 1 match. 1 scheduled hour =1 match
                           3 nights of play to qualify

                  9.   Sign In

ALL PLAYERS must sign the roster sheets for each match prior to start of game




The name of the association shall be Halton Hills Mixed Volleyball League (HHMVL)



The aims and objectives of the HHMVL shall be:

  1. To promote, encourage, and govern adult mixed volleyball in Halton Hills
  2. To promote participation in a sportsmanlike manner always
  3. To provide for the mutual interests of all players in a harmonious manner
  4. To provide an outlet for semi-competitive and recreational levels of play
  5. To encourage players to become involved in team representation and executive aspects of our league’s operations
  6. To conduct the league as a non-profit organization




  1. The number of teams in this league will be determined by the Executive Officers on a yearly basis based on gym availability
  2. Teams are accepted on a first come/first paid basis.  Teams must be fully paid at registration.  
  3. Team names may not contain derogatory or offensive references or innuendo and may be refused if deemed inappropriate subject to a vote of team Captains.  
  4. The number of teams in each division will be determined by the Executive Officers, depending on the number of teams wanting to play in each division
  5. All members must provide full contact information, date of birth and a signed waiver on registration or prior to the first scheduled game before being permitted to play. Member information is confidential and will not be used for anything other than league purposes.
  6. Any member is permitted to register one team on each scheduled playing night only.
  7. If the league fills all its available spots then any additional teams and individuals will be put on a waiting list and will be called if needed in the order of registration



Players registering as individuals will be added to teams registering with fewer than eight (8) players on their roster.  Teams may also be formed from individual registrations.  Precedence will be given to team registrations over teams formed from individuals.  When assigning individuals to teams, the following criteria will be used, although the league cannot guarantee the skill level of team mates:

  1. First come/first paid
  2. Male to female ratio
  3. Number of individuals with similar experience



A player must meet the following requirements:

  1. Must be a minimum of 19 years of age by the first scheduled game
  2. Must not receive financial remuneration to play, coach or manage
  3. It is recommended that anyone participating in the HHMVL, consult a doctor before the start of the season and also if the individuals health status changes at any time during the season
  4. Should any team cause their own disbarment for any reason and for any duration, then each player will be prohibited from playing in the league on any other team until the disqualification has been dealt with.  Any player who is disqualified because of the disqualification of his/her team, may apply to the executive for special consideration, however, it will be at the executive discretion to allow that player to participate on another team
  5. A player is only allowed to be on a single team’s roster on each playing night.  They may, however, play for a different (single) team during tournament play.  If a player plays on a team that they are not registered with, the team they played for may lose all points for that night and the player in question may not be eligible to play the remaining season on that or any other team he/she is not registered with.  To be reviewed and determined by the executive on a per incident basis.



Only players listed on a team’s eligibility list and have played throughout the season are eligible for playoff action with that team.  Any team that is playing with an unregistered player will lose all points for the season and the player in question will not be eligible to play the following season.  To play in the HHMVL playoffs a player must have played a minimum of (9) regular season games.



All rosters and waivers must be received at registration.

  1. Team entries require a team registration and waiver form.  The team roster and waiver must be handed in to the HHMVL as per the registration waiver.
    1. Each team’s roster will list the names, e-mail addresses and phone numbers of each of it’s players.
    2. Each player must sign the team waiver prior to the commencement of the season
    3. Only registered players who have signed the team waiver will be allowed to play
  2. Team captains will receive a copy of the constitution and ensure that team members are aware of its contents.
  3. Once the rosters of teams have been finalized by the executive after registration, those rosters will stand for the duration of the season
  4. The only exception to 4 above is in the event that a player must leave the league for the remainder of the season for any reason, including injury or illness.  At that time, the team that player was on can request a replacement player.  The replacement player will be pulled from the waiting list based on the criteria outlined in Section 2.  If no players are available on the waiting list, the team may play short for the remainder of the season, default all remaining games, or find an appropriate replacement player on their own.
  5. Players added during the season from the waiting list will pay a prorated single fee to the league (not the team).
  6. The HHMVL executive and referees have the right at any time to ask any player or team provide photo ID at the game to confirm team waivers and team rosters.  It is the responsibility of each player on each team to have photo ID at each game.  Any player does not provide photo ID when requested will not be permitted to play.  Any games that player has played will result in a default.



  1. The HHMVL executive shall consist of President, Vice President, Vice President of Business Development, Secretary, Treasurer, Referee in Chief, Equipment Manager, Statistician and Scheduler.  All positions are 1 year in term.  Before a playing season is complete, the league’s membership will meet to elect or appoint the executive officers for the following season.  The yearly fees to join the league will be waived for all members of the executive for only the years they are active members and for only one team that they are active members of.  
  2. The executive will solicit candidates from membership one (1) month prior to the

AGM.  Candidates must be nominated up to a week prior to the AGM. Reminders will be sent to membership on a regular basis. Ballots will be printed that list each position and each candidate’s name that is running.  Ballots will be distributed to all league members upon arrival at the AGM and collected once the AGM is adjourned.   

  1. Members can only run for one (1) position per election.  
  2. Should an executive position be vacated mid-term, the position can only be filled through a vote of team Captains.


SECTION 2 – DUTIES OF THE EXECUTIVE President (2 year term) 

  1. Presides at meetings, maintains order and keeps the meeting moving
  2. Prepares an agenda in advance and adheres to it by accepting only discussion on the topic from the floor
  3. Starts and adjourns meetings on time
  4. Knows the rules of meeting procedures
  5. Is aware of the priority of business items and schedules them appropriately
  6. Is prepared to represent the organization
  7. Avoids giving own opinion when in the chair – but is prepared to summarize and accept the wishes of the meeting
  8. Delegate’s responsibility and authority
  9. Publicity
  10. Oversees the operation of the HHMVL website and advertising
  11. Convenes league registration including time and place


Vice President (2 year term)

  1. Learns the duties of the President and fulfills that role when the President is absent
  2. Assists the President whenever possible
  3. Arranges facilities for all league games and events
  4. Roster management 


Vice President of Business Development (2 year term)

  1. Responsible for management of ad space on the website as well as obtaining partners to occupy space.
  2. Responsible for promotion of the league through print ad (when approved)
  3. Responsible for recruiting sponsors for league tournaments/banquets
  4. All ad space must be voted on by the executive.  In the interest of timing an e-vote is acceptable


Secretary (2 year term)

  1. Handles all volleyball league correspondence
  2. Keeps a record of all meetings and has them approved at the next meeting 3) Record attendance at all meetings
  1. Presents a summary of correspondence
  2. Is prepared to make recommendations as to actions through familiarity with papers, correspondence, etc.
  3. Maintain the executive’s and general membership’s emailing list
  4. Send correspondence to executive and general membership as required
  5. When sending emails all members should be blind copied and executive@hhmvl.com should be carbon copied.


Referee in Chief (2 year term)

1) Handles the hiring, firing, orientation of referees and ensure that they are performing their duties to the satisfaction of the league


Treasurer/Registrar (2 year term)

  1. Receives all monies due and issue receipts for the same
  2. Is responsible for accurately collecting and documenting all revenues, expenditures and depositing into an authorized bank account
  3. Presents the current financial situation at meetings and submits a full financial report at the annual general meeting
  4. Is responsible for the allocation of funds as decided upon by the executive committee
  5. Coordinates registration documents/deposits and maintains waivers on file


Statistician (2 year term)

  1. Collect and distribute/post league statistics on a weekly basis
  2. Prepare, distribute and monitor league rules and regulations


Equipment Manager (2 year term)

  1. Oversees all HHMVL equipment throughout the year, including the off season
  2. Purchases all equipment
  3. Audits equipment at start of the season, in December, in February, and at the end of the season and provides a record to the executive.
  4. Retains three spare volleyballs at any time, to ensure quick replacement for stolen or damaged balls.
  5. Ensures all equipment gets to HHMVL tournaments and back to the appropriate schools
  6. Ensures that all HHMVL equipment is used for only sanctioned HHMVL events


Scheduler (2 year term)

  1. Prepare and distribute regular season schedules
  2. Prepare and distribute play off schedules
  3. Prepare and distribute tournament schedules



Each team will be responsible for its own name, sponsorship (if desired), recruitment and uniforms (if desired).  A team captain will be appointed by each team to represent that team for the executive.  The team is responsible for keeping the President current on changes of representatives.  The team captain shall have the following responsibilities:

  1. Act as liaison between the teams, the players and the executive
  2. Attends all league meetings, or if unable to do so, appoints an alternate representative from their team
  3. Carry their team’s vote at all league meetings (one vote per team)
  4. Signs all protests made by their team and submit such to the executive
  5. Ensures that all members of their team are aware of the contents of this constitution
  6. Is responsible for all duties associated with game cancellation and rescheduling for games involving their team
  7. Perform other functions as required by the league and the president
  8. Captains/teams designate must attend all scheduled meetings or forfeit their team points for that week



  1. Executive meetings will be called at the discretion of the President
  2. The executive is allowed refreshments at the meeting to a maximum dollar value to be determined each year
  3. A quorum at any executive meeting shall be 2/3 of the executive and must include the President or his/her designate
  4. Any member of the executive who absents him/herself from two regular and/or executive meetings, without having been granted a leave of absence by the executive committee, shall cease to be a member of the executive



  1. The annual general meeting is to be held at the end of the regular season
  2. Captains meetings will be held as needed during the regular season
  3. General meetings may be called at any time by the President, as deemed necessary



  1. At all meetings each executive position and each team that is not already represented on the executive shall have one vote 
  2. The president will be the last to cast his/her vote on any issue
  3. Votes may not be cast by proxy
  4. A 2/3 attendance majority vote shall be required on all league issues.  All votes will be taken after a reasonable discussion of the issues.  



  1. All positions, as per Section 4 shall be elected annually by the league participants as found on the season’s eligibility lists
  2. Voting will occur at the annual general meeting.  For each position being voted upon, each position of the executive and each member of the HHMVL in attendance may vote.
  3. To be eligible to run in the HHMVL elections the individual must have played in the HHMVL league in the current season
  4. Any individual holding a paid position with HHMVL league is not permitted to run and/or hold any HHMVL executive position.  Current executive acting as a relief or replacement due to staffing issue to any paid position will not be deemed as an employee of HHMVL.
  5. To run for President position the individual must be a current/active member of the executive.
  6. In the event no nominations are received for a position, the executive will seek volunteers for acclamation.  If the position cannot be filled with volunteers, the executive will seek to appoint individuals and the league will have no recourse
  7. In the event that the positions cannot be filled by any of the above means, the executive will call an emergency meeting to discuss the feasibility of the continued existence of the league.
  8. Should an executive member resign during the year voluntarily or otherwise, if will be at the president’s discretion to operate the league with one or more of the executive positions unoccupied.  The president will have the option of assigning the duties of the vacant positions to other executive members.  The only position that must be filled is that of president.
  9. If the executive decides that the continued existence of the league is no longer feasible, then all monies will be forwarded to the Town of Halton Hills Recreation and Parks department along with all related paperwork and final financial reports.



  1. The HHMVL will provide an opportunity for its members to participate in different divisions of play.  These will be referred to as Division (A), Division (B), Division (C), Division (D) etc.  Division (A) will be the highest level of play.  Changes to divisional names/structures can be made at the discretion of the executive before, during or after the season.
  2. The divisions will be adjusted to suit the individual requirements of each, with every effort being made to maintain harmony and fairness to all league members.  Based on the final standings from league play in each round, the bottom team of each division may move to the top of the next lower division while the top team of the lower division will move to the next upper division.  This will continue through all divisions in the league.  The league executive may move teams from one division to another during the year to address inequities in level of play within divisions or other issues impacting league operations.  In the event the team or teams in question are in disagreement with league executive decisions, the team or teams may request that the executive reevaluate the selection of division at mid-season and/or at the end of the season.
  3. Any team can request to be placed in a particular division with the league executive making the eventual decision.
  4. The divisions will be assigned as follows:  teams with >=50% members returning from the league from last year will return to the division where the majority of those returning ended last year.  Teams with less than 50% will be placed after the above.
  5. Players are eligible to play for only 1 team within the league on each playing night during regular play.  Players may play for any team during tournament but only for a single team.



  1. If scheduled referee does not show up, the teams must agree on a substitute referee.
  2. Referees are responsible for recording any infractions occurring during the game.
  3. Referees must report to the referee-in-chief any occurrences of damage to property or personal injury.  The president must be notified within 24 hours of any such occurrence.
  4. Additional people may be available for score keeping and roof calls.



One (1) point will be awarded per win.



In case of a tie for positioning at the end of the regular season, the following will be considered, in order listed, to break the tie:

  1. Win/loss percentage, then
  2. Wins, head to head, then
  3. Plus/minus (+/-) point differential, then
  4. A coin toss by a league executive



  1. Pre-game court preparation will include:
    1. Assuring the nets are set at the correct height (men’s OVA height – 2.43m)
    2. Assuring that the court area is clear and safe for play
  2. Post-game clean-up of the court area.  Make sure any league equipment and/or property has been returned to the storage area



OVA rules will be adhered to with the exception of the following modifications:

  1. All players must be 19 years of age or older as of the first game
  2. No spectators under the age of 19 will be allowed due to insurance policies.  No game can start with any spectator under the age of 19 years.  Having them in the hall/corridor is not permitted.  If the player with the spectator under the age of 19 years has been asked to remove the child and/or children from the schools/building and does not comply within a timely fashion the game will not start.  If the spectator is not removed by the schedule game time the game will result in all three games being defaulted for the team the person is on.  Staff working for the HHMVL are exempted from this rule.
  3. No street shoes are allowed on the gym floor.  Please bring appropriate shoes with non-marking soles for play.
  4. A team must carry a minimum of 2 Guys and 2 Girls on its roster.  There is a maximum of 14 players per team roster.  Changes to team rosters after December 31st require written permission from the executive.  Team captain must request roster changes by email at executive@hhmvl.com and provide the reason why the change is necessary. The executive reserves the right to decline such request subject to the rules herein.  
    1. For game play, the minimum number of players to constitute a team is four (4) with 2 males and 2 females on the court.  Failure to do so will result in forfeiting the win and to proceed with an exhibition match.  A warm up is provided at the discretion of the referee.   This is a “grace period”, once this time period has lapsed the first game will be defaulted.  The second game will default in another 5 minutes and the last game will be defaulted 20 minutes past the original start time.
    2. No more than three (3) males may be on the court at any time.
  5. Serving
    1. Serves must be made from behind the serving line, one foot over the service line is permitted at the discretion of the referee
    2. A whistle will indicate service.  Failure to wait for a whistle will result in a re-serve
    3. Maximum 5 serves per server
    4. Service out of order will result in a loss of service and any points accumulated by that server will be deleted
    5. Players rotating in will enter to the centre rear position
  6. Scoring will be by rally point – each game will be to twenty-five (25) points (win by 2 with a cap of 27).  If time for the match expires, the leading team will be awarded the win.
  7. If the ball is in play when time expires, that point will be played out.  The referee will call time and give a 1 minute warning.
  8. Each win is awarded 1 point
  9. All calls by the referee are final, and are not to be disputed
    1. First offense:  Referee will warn player
    2. Second offense:  Suspended from the game
    3. Third offense:  Suspended from the league
    4. Protests will not be accepted or considered when concerning judgment calls of the referee
  10. No alcoholic beverages allowed on school property.  Smoking on school property is strictly prohibited
  11. Failure to abide by the above league rules will result in disciplinary action by the Executive Committee.


  1. Any player determined to have committed any verbal or physical aggression against a referee and/or any member of HHMVL will be barred from the league immediately.  The act resulting in the barring will be reviewed by a committee appointed by the executive officers.  Once reviewed, the period of suspension can be changed by the committee based on its findings.  The review committee can be any current and/or past executive that can be asked to sit on the committee by the current executive. 
  2. Any player determined to be the aggressor in a fight will be suspended immediately.  The relevant incident will be reviewed by a committee appointed by the executive officers.  Once reviewed, the period of suspension can be changed by the committee based on its findings.  Further, the committee can rule that other participants involved in the incident will be disciplined.
  3. Any player receiving a second suspension during a season shall not be permitted to play any further games that season.  His/Her eligibility to return to play in the following season will be reviewed by the executive officers.
  4. Committees described in rules 1 and 2 shall consist of a minimum of three positions of the league executive.  No member of a committee can be a person involved in the matter that the committee is to rule upon.
  5. Committee decisions must be brought to the attention of the appropriate team captain.  The captain then has the responsibility of notifying the player(s) involved of that decision as soon as possible.
  6. When a suspended player or team captain disagrees with any decision made by a committee such person has 48 hours from the time of captain’s notification in which to appeal such decision.  Appeals must be made to an executive officer in writing.  The executive officer being notified of the request to appeal will acknowledge and set a date on which the appeal will be heard.  The appeal must be heard within 2 weeks and the acknowledgment and date setting must occur within 48 hours.
  7. Team Forfeit

A) First offence = loss of points for that night and letter to team captain that explains consequences of next forfeit

B) Second offence = $25 fine payable within 30 days (or prior to playoffs, whichever occurs first)

C) Third offence =$50 fine payable within 30 days (or prior to playoffs, whichever occurs first)

D) Any fines not paid within 30-day period (or prior to playoffs) will be suspended from play until paid in full

E) Fourth offence = playoff elimination

F) Excludes any in-game injuries.


           8)    Illegal Player

                   *Defined as a non-registered player.

                              Use of an illegal player
                          A)    First offence = Team forfeits that night and falls into the Team Forfeit rule, as well, the

player will receive written warning                                                                                                                       

                    B) Second offence = 2-week suspension for player and Team Forfeit rules apply


                    C) Third offence = Loss of playoff privileges for player, and Team Forfeit rules apply

                    D) Fourth offence = Season suspension for player and Team Forfeit rules applies.

              8b)   Legal Player
                    * defined as a registered player or an on-call player
              8c)    Playoffs

                    *Clarification of eligibility for playoffs - all players must play 3 matches.

                    1 set = 1 game. 3 sets(games) = 1 match. 1 scheduled hour =1 match
                           3 nights of play to qualify

                 9)   Sign In

ALL PLAYERS must sign the roster sheets for each match prior to start of game


1) Each team and individual will pay an entry fee in order to play in this league.  The amount of that fee will be determined by the executive officers.  The fee will be used to pay for facilities, referees, and league operations for the upcoming season.  A $30.00 surcharge will be applied to any NSF cheques.



  1. All league accounts will have co-signing power.  All cheques issued by our league must be signed by at least two (2) executive positions.  Members that are related cannot hold these two executive positions.  No two people holding signing power can be on the same team.
  2. No cheques may be signed blank.  When signed, the cheque must be filled out completely, containing the date, amount, payee and encoded to indicate the reason for the payment.
  3. Should an inquiry be made regarding the financial status of the league then the services on an unaffiliated accounting firm will be dispatched to complete a full audit.  The audit will need to be prepared and completed within 30 days of the inquiry and the results will be made available to league members upon inquiry.
  4. The treasurer’s report will be presented at regular executive meetings and at the annual meeting.  Failure to do so will cause the executive to immediately investigate.
  5. It is advised that all league financial transactions be conducted in cheque form.  Receipts should always be expected and should be filed for future reference.
  6. If required, after internal investigation, legal actions may be taken.
  7. If prizes are not claimed within one month, they will be returned to the league.



  1. Amendments can be made at the annual general meeting or by an executive majority.  If necessary, the meeting may be adjourned and continued at the next convenient time.
  2. Proposed amendments should be submitted in writing to the president at least one (1) week prior to the meeting
  3. Each amendment, whether separately or in block form, shall be put to vote.  Acceptance of such amendment shall require 2/3 attendance majority vote of league members only. 
  4. In order that the league be maintained, seasonal amendments may be put forward by the executive during the year at any league meeting.  Acceptance of these amendments shall not form a part of the constitution until it has gained the 2/3 attendance majority vote at the annual general meeting.