
                                                                              HHMVL CONSTITUTION – amended Jan 26, 2025


The name of the association shall be Halton Hills Mixed Volleyball League (HHMVL)



The aims and objectives of the HHMVL shall be:

  1. To promote, encourage, and govern adult mixed volleyball in Halton Hills
  2. To promote participation in a sportsmanlike manner always
  3. To provide for the mutual interests of all players in a safe, competitive manner
  4. To provide an outlet for recreational through semi-competitive levels of play
  5. To encourage players to become involved in team representation and executive roles.
  6. To conduct the league as a non-profit organization





  1. The number of teams and registration fees will be determined by the Executive annually based on availability of gyms and Referees/Scorekeepers.
  2. Teams are accepted on a first come/first paid basis.  Team fees must be fully paid to complete the registration process.  E-transfer with TEAM NAME AND DIVISION noted in comments section is required to confirm registration and for record-keeping purposes (email hhmvltreasurer@gmail.com).  
  3. Team captains/representatives completing the registration must be diligent in selecting the appropriate division (skill level) for their team.  This is crucial for both the safety of players and to ensure competitive play.  A description of the divisions will be available on the HHMVL website (www.hhmvl.com). 
  4. The league cannot accommodate multiple teams with the same name.  If this occurs, the first team to complete registration and payment will be give the use of the name for that season. 
  5. Team names may not contain derogatory or offensive references or innuendo and may be refused if deemed inappropriate subject to a vote of team Captains.  
  6. The number of teams in each division will be determined by the Executive, depending on the availability of gyms, staff and number of teams wanting to play in each predetermined division.  A waitlist will be created if interest exceeds available spots within the divisions. 
  7. All members must provide full contact information, date of birth and a signed waiver during registration. Member information is confidential and will only be used for league purposes.
  8. Any member is permitted to register one team on each scheduled playing night.
  9. If any divisions are full, additional teams and individuals will be put on a waiting list and if space becomes available, they will be contacted in the order of enquiry to complete registration & payment.
  10. The Executive will maintain an On Call list for interested players who are not rostered to a team but have completed a registration and waiver to play during the season.  There is no fee for joining this list.  The players must declare their divisional skill level, available nights of play and contact information on the list, which will be visible on the website.  These players are responsible for restricting their availability to play for shorthanded teams based on “one level down, or any level up” from their declared skill level.  It is not the intention of this list to displace currently rostered players.  These players are not eligible for league playoffs but can play in HHMVL tournaments. If at any time the player becomes rostered to a team, they must notify the executive (hhmvlexecutive@gmail.com) so the On Call list can be updated.  Registration for this list closes Dec 31st of the current season.



  1. The HHMVL will post a sign-up list on the website for “PLAYERS LOOKING FOR A TEAM’.  
  2. This list will also be promoted on social media and will be available approximately 1 month before registration opens until October 1st of the current season.   
  3. Individual players can sign up on the list and can be picked up by teams with insufficient rosters.  These individuals also have the option of contacting other individuals on the list, with the intention of forming a team.
  4. The creation of teams is not guaranteed, and the league cannot guarantee the skill level of teammates.  
  5. Individuals who do not match up with a team can choose to register for the On Call list which will be available from October 1st through December 31st of the current season.
  6. On Call players will be required to complete a no-fee registration before being eligible for play.  Players must consult the Divisional Descriptions to determine their skill level before registration as this restricts their eligibility to play in certain divisions (one division down – any division up) to ensure player safety.  
  7. If an On Call player is picked up by a team during the season, they will be required to complete the registration for that team (Team Code supplied by Captain) and must notify the Executive immediately.  Their name will be removed from the list and they will lose On Call player status for the remainder of the current season.  



A player must meet the following requirements:

  1. Must be a minimum of 19 years of age by the first scheduled game.
  2. Must not receive financial remuneration to play, coach or manage a team.
  3. It is recommended that anyone participating in the HHMVL, consult a doctor before the start of the season and if the health status of the individual changes at any time during the season.
  4. Should any team cause their own disbarment for any reason and for any duration, then each player will be prohibited from playing in the league on any other team until the disqualification has been dealt with.  Any player who is disqualified because of the disqualification of his/her team, may apply to the executive for special consideration, however, it will be at the executive discretion to allow that player to participate on another team.
  5. A player is only allowed to be rostered to one team on each playing night.  They may, however, play for any (single) team during tournament play. 
  6.  Except when playing under the BORROWED PLAYER rule, a player may not play with a team whose roster they are not registered.  If they do, that team will lose all points for that night.  The player in question may lose their eligibility to play the remaining season on that or any other team he/she is not registered with.  To be reviewed and determined by the Executive on a per incident basis.  
  7. The league may offer pick up volleyball events throughout the year.  These events will be advertised on the website and social media.  These nights are not restricted to HHMVL members; however, participants must be 19 years of age to attend.  Spectators must also be a minimum of 19 years of age.  The Executive will set fees prior to start of regular season.   


Only players listed on a team’s roster that have played a minimum of (9) regular season games are eligible for playoff action with that team. 

      1 set = 1 game.             3 sets (games) = 1 match.          1 scheduled hour =1 match

Borrowed and/or On Call players are not permitted during playoffs.  Any team that is playing with an unregistered player will forfeit their games for the remainder of the playoffs.  



All rosters and waivers must be received at registration.

  1. Team entries require a team registration and waiver form.  The team captain’s individual registration and waiver must be completed as part of the team registration.  The unique Team Code must then be shared to their players to ensure accurate rostering.
    1. Each team’s roster will include the names, e-mail addresses and phone numbers of each player, however only names will be visible of the website.
    2. Each player must sign the individual waiver during registration. 
  2. Team captains will be made aware of the location of the constitution on the HHMVL website and should ensure that all team members are aware of its contents.
  3.  The rosters must be finalized on Dec 31st of the current season, and those rosters will stand for the duration of the season, including playoffs.
  4. If a player must leave the league for the remainder of the season for any reason, including injury or illness, the team captain can request a replacement player to be added to their roster.  
    1. The team may find a replacement on their own, draw from the ONCALL list, or play short for the remainder of the regular season, accounting for playoff restrictions regarding use of On Call and Borrowed players.  
    2. Team captain must email hhmvlexecutive@gmail.com for Executive approval 
  5. The league is not responsible for any financial arrangements between teams and players.
  6. The HHMVL Executive and referees have the right at any time to ask any player to provide photo ID at the game to confirm player eligibility.  It is the responsibility of each player on each team to have photo ID available.  
    1. If an opposing team has concerns about the eligibility of a player, they should approach the Referee for confirmation prior to start of game.  The player will be asked for ID and cross-referenced to the roster /on call list shown on the website.  Any player that is unable to provide photo ID when requested will not be permitted to play.  Any games that player has played may result in a default.


  1. The HHMVL will endeavour to offer a minimum of 2 tournaments to registered HHMVL members throughout the season.
  2. The availability of schools and staff will determine how many teams can be accommodated. 
  3. Tournament registration details will be advertised on the website and social media no less than 6 weeks prior to game day.
  4. Registrations and payment will be required to secure a spot on the schedule.  E-transfer with TEAM NAME AND DIVISION noted in comments section is required to confirm registration and for record-keeping purposes 

(email hhmvltreasurer@gmail.com).  

  1. The divisions to be offered will be described as: 


Captains should refer to our Divisional Descriptions prior to registration.

If any team intentionally registers for a division that does not match the skill level of their players, affecting player safety or divisional competitiveness, the team captain will be warned.  Disciplinary actions may be imposed including, but not limited to, forfeiture of any prize money and exclusion from tournaments.

  1. 3 weeks prior to game day the Executive will determine if there is sufficient registration for a division (4 teams minimum).  If not, the executive will offer the registered teams an option for another available division.  If teams chose to withdraw instead, funds will be returned immediately to the original payor of fees.  The executive will then consider expanding another division to allow waitlisted teams to fill the schedule.
  2. All players must registered members of the HHMVL.
  3. Prize money for divisional Champions will be set prior to advertisement of the tournament.
  4. All spectators must be over the age of 19yrs.
  5. If an adequate venue can be secured, the Executive will attempt to organize an after-party for participants.
  6. The opportunity for community sponsorship in the form of onsite concessions and ticket sales will be considered by the Executive on a case by case basis.  The organization, staffing, operation, and sales would be the responsibility of the sponsored group and participants must be at least 19 yrs of age.



  1. The HHMVL Executive shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Referee in Chief, Equipment Manager, Statistician and Scheduler.  All positions will consist of a 2-year term.  
  2. Should an Executive member resign during the year voluntarily or otherwise, it will be at the president’s discretion to operate the league with one or more of the Executive positions unoccupied. However, if the position is to be filled, a vote of team Captains will be required to appoint a replacement.
  3. At the discretion of the Executive, an additional position may be created on an interim basis, to fulfill requirements that have not, or cannot, be reasonably completed by other Executive members.  If the need for this created role is deemed essential for the continued operation of the league, the position will be added to the constitution and will be included in the next general election. 
  4. Before a playing season is complete, the league’s membership will elect or appoint the Executive members for the following season.  
  5. Executives may seek re-election if they would like to continue in their positions.
  6. Executive members will be expected to attend meetings and provide input/vote on issues, in addition to providing onsite assistance with league nights, tournaments, pick up nights and the yearend banquet.
  7. Executive members are available to provide advisory and/or supervisory assistance at all league events they attend and therefore their individual registration fees shall be waived for the years that they are active members.  Whenever a team fee is payable, the portion allocated to the executive member will be equal to 1/6 of the team fee.
  8. Members can only run for one (1) position per election.  
  9. The Executive will solicit candidates during the second half of the season with nominations being accepted early March, with electronic ballots being distributed within a week of the nomination deadline.  The voting deadline will be at least 4 weeks prior to the AGM.  The successful candidates will be announced at the banquet whenever possible
  10. Swearing in and transfer of duties, documentation, passwords, access, and contact information will be arranged for the AGM.    


  1. Presides at meetings, maintains order, and keeps the meeting moving.
  2. Prepares an agenda in advance and adheres to it by accepting only discussion on the topic from the floor.
  3. Starts and adjourns meetings on time.
  4. Knows the rules of meeting procedures.
  5. Is aware of the priority of business items and schedules them appropriately.
  6. Represent the organization for all matters.
  7. Avoids giving own opinion when in the chair – but is prepared to summarize and accept the wishes of the meeting.
  8. Delegate’s responsibility and authority
  9. Publicity
  10.  Community liaison 
  11. Oversees the operation of the HHMVL website, social media, and advertising.
  12. Convenes league registration.
  13. Coordinate filing of taxation documents with Treasurer and/or Vice President.
  14. Oversee the executive and general membership emailing list in cooperation with Secretary.
  15. Maintains a master copy of the HHMVL OPERATIONS binder containing a description of positions, duties, passwords, permit and access information, contacts, and succession procedures.  Should this binder be lost/stolen all executives must be notified, accounts locked, and passwords changed immediately. 



  1. Learns the duties of the President and fulfills that role when the President is absent.
  2. Assists the President whenever possible.
  3. Arranges permits for all facilities for league games, tournaments, and special events.
  4. Registration, waivers, and roster management. 
  5. Assist with Treasurers functions as required.
  6. Coordinate filing of taxation documents with Treasurer and/or President.
  7. Coordinates year end banquet 
  8. Maintains a copy of the HHMVL OPERATIONS binder containing a description of positions, duties, passwords, permit and access information, contacts, and succession procedures.  Should this binder be lost/stolen all executives must be notified, accounts locked, and passwords changed immediately. 


  1. Handles all league correspondence.
  2. Keeps a record of all meetings including attendance and has them approved at the next meeting.
  3. Presents a summary of correspondence and is prepared to make recommendations as to actions through familiarity with papers, correspondence, etc.
  1. Maintain the Executive and general membership emailing list in cooperation with President.
  2. Send correspondence to executive and general membership as required (all members should be blind copied and hhmvlexecutive@gmail.com should be carbon copied for general correspondence)



  1. Handles the hiring, firing, orientation and scheduling for referees/scorekeepers. 
  2. Provide performance feedback and ensure satisfaction of the league.
  3. Maintain a list of substitute staff members and their contact information. 
  4. Works with Statistician to prepare, distribute and monitor league rules, ensuring distribution to staff in a timely manner.
  5. Maintain accurate record of staff hours, submitting to the Treasurer for monthly payment.
  6. Maintains a copy of the HHMVL REFEREE-IN-CHIEF binder containing a description of the position, passwords, access information for facilities, all staff employment contracts including contact information and email for payroll purposes, and succession procedures.  Should this binder be lost/stolen all executives must be notified and passwords changed immediately. 


  1. Responsible for arranging bank account administration and changes in conjunction with a secondary signing authority.
  2. Is responsible for accurately collecting and documenting all revenues, expenditures and depositing into an authorized bank account.
  3. Presents the current financial situation at meetings and submits a full financial report at the AGM (annual general meeting).
  4. Is responsible for the allocation of funds as decided upon by the executive committee.
  5. Coordinates registration documents/deposits with Vice President.
  6. Arranges filing of income tax submissions in conjunction with President/Vice President.
  7. Maintains a copy of the HHMVL TREASURER binder containing a description of the position, passwords, contact information for facilities, all staff employment contracts including contact information and email for payroll purposes, and succession procedures.  Should this binder be lost/stolen all executives must be notified and passwords changed immediately. 



  1. Collect and distribute scoresheets to schools monthly.
  2. Monitor input of team scores and league statistics on a weekly basis.  Investigating any discrepancies and reporting to the President and Referee in Chief as appropriate. 
  3. Works with Referee in Chief to prepare, distribute and monitor league rules.


  1. Oversee HHMVL equipment at all facilities throughout the year, including the off season.
  2. Assess, maintain, and replace all damaged equipment throughout the season.
  3. Audits equipment prior to start of the season, in December, and at the end of the season, providing a report and making suggestions to the executive.
  4. Retains three spare volleyballs at any time, providing quick replacement for stolen or damaged balls to schools.
  5. Ensures all equipment gets to and from HHMVL tournaments to the appropriate schools.
  6. Ensures that all HHMVL equipment is secured and used only for sanctioned HHMVL events.  Lock combinations on all equipment storage must be changed annually or, in the case of loss/theft immediately, and the new information provided to the President/Vice President for inclusion in the HHMVL OPERATIONS binders.



  1. Prepare and distribute regular season schedules.  Coordinate with President to ensure schedules are posted to the website correctly. 
  2. Be available to modify schedules to reflect scheduling conflicts, any facility changes, inclement weather etc.
  3. Prepare and distribute play off schedules.
  4. Prepare, arrange printing, and distribute tournament schedules.



  1. All positions, as per Article 4 shall be elected semi-annually by the league participants as found on the HHMVL registration list.
  2. The Executive will solicit candidates during the second half of the season with nominations being accepted early March. 
    1. If no nominations are received for a position, the executive will seek volunteers for acclamation.
    2. Executive may appoint individuals and the league will have no recourse 
    3. If the position still cannot be filled, the President will have the option of assigning the duties of the vacant positions to other Executive members.  The only position that must be filled is that of President.
  3. Electronic ballots will be distributed within a week of the nomination deadline.  The voting deadline will be at least 4 weeks before the AGM, and the successful candidates will be formally announced to the general membership at the AGM.  
  4. For each position being voted upon, each member of the Executive and each member of the HHMVL in attendance may vote.
  5. To be eligible to run in the HHMVL elections the individual must have played in the HHMVL league in the current season.
  6. Any individual holding a paid position with HHMVL league is not permitted to run and/or hold any HHMVL Executive position.  Current Executive acting as a relief or replacement due to staffing issue to any paid position will not be deemed as an employee of HHMVL.
  7. An individual must be a current/active member of the Executive to run for President.
  8. If the positions cannot be filled by any of the above means, the Executive will call an emergency meeting to discuss the feasibility of the continued existence of the league.
  9. If the Executive decides that the continued existence of the league is no longer feasible, then all monies will be forwarded to the Town of Halton Hills Recreation and Parks department along with all related paperwork and final financial reports.


  1. Executive meetings will be called at the discretion of the President.
  2. The Executive is allowed reasonable refreshments at the meetings.  
  3. A majority vote shall be used to settle all league issues, and votes will be taken after a reasonable discussion of the issues.
  4. A quorum at any Executive meeting shall be 2/3 of the Executive and must include the President or his/her designate.
  5. The President will be the last to cast his/her vote on any issue.  In the event of a tie, the Presidential vote will break the tie.
  6. Any member of the Executive who absents him/herself from two regular and/or Executive meetings, without having been granted a leave of absence by the Executive committee, shall cease to be a member of the Executive.



  1. The AGM (annual general meeting) is to be held at the end of the regular season but can be included in the year end banquet for convenience, subject to executive vote.
  2. Captains’ meetings will be held as needed during the regular season, however the league will use an email/survey format whenever possible, for the convenience of all parties.
  3. General meetings may be called at any time as deemed necessary by the President.
  4. At all meetings each Executive position and each team that is not already represented on the Executive shall have one vote. 
  5.  The President will be the last to cast his/her vote on any issue.  In the event of a tie, the Presidential vote will break the tie.
  6. Votes may not be cast by proxy.
  7. A majority vote shall be used to settle all league issues, and votes will be taken after a reasonable discussion of the issues.
  8. Minutes of the meeting shall be posted on the website.  


Each team will be responsible for its own name, sponsorship (if desired), recruitment and uniforms (if desired).  

A team captain must be appointed to represent that team to the Executive.  The team is responsible for keeping the President current on changes in representation.  The team captain shall have the following responsibilities:

  1. Registration of the team, distributing instructions and team access codes to players
  2. Act as liaison between the teams, the players, and the Executive
  3. Ensure eligibility of all players on the court.
  4. Ensures that any spectators are over the age of 19 yrs
  5. Refers to the On Call list for additional players when the team is shorthanded for a game.
  6. Attends any general league meetings, or if unable to do so, appoints an alternate representative from their team, carrying their team’s vote (one vote per team)
  7. Submits all protests made by their team to the Executive (hhmvlexecutive@gmail.com).
  8. Ensures that all members of their team are aware of the contents of this constitution and its location on the HHMVL website (www.hhmvl.com).
  9. Is responsible for all duties associated with submission of scores on a weekly basis.
  10. Reports cancellation/forfeits for games involving their team in a timely manner.
  11. Perform other functions as required by the league as requested by the president.





  1. The HHMVL will provide an opportunity for its members to participate in different divisions of play. 
    1.  These will be referred to as Division (A), Division (B), Division (C), Division (D) etc.  Division (A) will be the highest level of play.  
    2. Changes to divisional names/structures can be made at the discretion of the Executive on an as necessary basis.
  2. The divisions will be arranged to ensure the safety and fairness to all league members.  Teams should be diligent in selecting the appropriate division of play during the registration process.   
  3. If necessary to fulfil the aims and objectives of the league, the Executive may, as a last resort, move teams between divisions to address issues impacting league operations or inequities in the level of play that may endanger players.  If teams are moved, they will assume the standings of the team they are replacing. 
  4. Players are eligible to play for only 1 team for each playing night during regular season and playoff play.  
  5. Players may play for any team during tournament but only for a single team.



  1. Staff members will be given an employment contract during orientation, outlining their duties and league expectations.  They will be required to provide full contact information, emergency contact information, and email (payroll will be paid by e-transfer monthly).
  2. Pre-game court preparation will include:
    1. Assuring the nets are set at the correct height (men’s OVA height – 2.43m)
    2. Assuring that the court area is clear and safe for play.
    3. Confirm that all players have signed in.
    4. Confirm eligibility of players if a possible illegal player is brought to their attention, by comparing photo id to the roster/on call list on the www.hhmvl.com website.
    5. Ensure that all players and spectators are over the age of 19 years.
  3. Post-game:
    1. Confirm scores and any forfeits have been recorded on the scoresheets.  
    2. Confirm that captains have signed the score sheets.
    3. Make sure any league equipment and/or property has been locked in the storage container before leaving the gym.
    4. Secure and/or submit score sheets to the Statistician. 
  4. If scheduled referee/scorekeeper is going to be absent, they must email hhmvlrefereechief@gmail.com immediately and a substitute referee will be arranged.
  5. Referees/scorekeepers must report to the referee-in-chief any occurrences of unsportsmanlike behavior, damage to property or personal injury.  The Referee-in-Chief will then notify the President within 24 hours of any such occurrence.
  6.   Staff will be solicited for tournament dates at the beginning of the season.  While seniority and promptness of response will be taken into consideration, compiling a team of officials who can commit to the tournament and have proven both their loyalty and work ethic is our priority.  The final decision will be made by the Referee in Chief.
  7. Courts may not all finish at the same time.  Officials should follow the posted schedule and assist with other courts if they are finished early.
  8. Staff members should forward any concerns/issues directly to the Referee in Chief.  Except in emergency situations, other Executive members may not be able to assist.



  1. It is the responsibility of the winning team (2/3 points or more) to submit scores as soon as possible after matches.  This ensures accuracy of divisional standings.
  2. Both team captains must confirm the scoresheet information before leaving the court.
  3. One (1) point will be awarded per game during the match.
  4. Three (#) points will be awarded to the team that is granted a forfeited match.
  5. Discrepancies must be reported to the statistician immediately for investigation. 



In case of a tie for positioning at the end of the regular season, the following will be considered, in order listed, to break the tie:

  1. Win/loss percentage, then
  2. Wins, head-to-head, then
  3. Plus/minus (+/-) point differential, then
  4. A coin toss by a league executive



  1. Pre-game:
    1. Avoid impeding any active games by staying away from the courts during play.
    2. Assuring the nets are set at the correct height (men’s OVA height – 2.43m)
    3. Assuring that the court area is clear and safe for play.
    4. All players must sign in.
    5. Ensure that spectators are over the age of 19 yrs
    6. Be ready to play at scheduled game time.
  2. Post-game/End of Night:
    1. Clean-up the court area including benches.
    2. Assist with returning league equipment and/or property to the storage area.



OVA rules will be adhered to except for the following modifications:

  1. All players must be 19 years of age or older as of the first game.
  2. No spectators under the age of 19 will be allowed due to insurance policies.  No game can start with any spectator under the age of 19 years.  Having them in the hall/corridor is not permitted.  If the player with the spectator under the age of 19 years has been asked to remove the child and/or children from the schools/building and does not comply within a timely fashion the game will not start.  If the spectator is not removed by the schedule game time the game will result in all three games being defaulted for the team the person is on.  Staff working for the HHMVL are exempted from this rule.
  3. Street shoes are not allowed on the gym floor.  Please bring appropriate shoes with non-marking soles for play.  
  4. Players must not bring anything onto the court that may present a safety issue, including water bottles, hats and unsecured clothing items or jewellery.
  5. A team must carry a minimum of 3 males and 3 females on its roster, with a maximum of 14 players per team roster.  
    1. Changes to team rosters after the December 31st deadline require written permission from the executive.  Team captain must request roster changes by email at hhmvlexecutive@gmail.com and provide the reason why the change is necessary. The executive reserves the right to decline such request subject to the rules herein.  
    2. For game play, the minimum number of players to constitute a team is four (4) with 2 males and 2 females on the court.  Failure to do so will result in forfeiting the win and to proceed with an exhibition match. No more than three (3) males may be on the court at any time.
  6. A scheduled match includes a 5-minute warm up and 3 games (where time allows).  The first game starts at 5 minutes past game time.  The teams will be given a 5 minute “grace period” if they are not ready to play.  The first game will be defaulted at 10 minutes past game time.  The second game will be defaulted in another 5 minutes (15 minutes past game time) and the last game will be defaulted in another 5 minutes (20 minutes past game time).  Teams can choose to continue with an exhibition match.  Any forfeits should be recorded on the scoresheets and confirmed by captains. 
  7. Serving
    1. Serves must be made from behind the serving line, one foot over the service line is permitted at the discretion of the referee.
    2. A whistle will indicate service and the server gets one release of the ball for service.  Failure to wait for a whistle will result in a re-serve.
    3. Maximum 5 serves per server.
    4. Service out of order will result in a loss of service and any points accumulated by that server will be deleted.
    5. Players rotating in will enter to the centre rear position.
  8. Scoring will be awarded by rally point – each game will be to twenty-five (25) points (win by 2 with a cap of 27).  If time for the match expires, the leading team will be awarded the win.
  9.  The referee will call time and give a 1-minute warning. If the ball is in play when time expires, that point will be played out.
  10. Each game is awarded 1 point with 3 points awarded for the match.
  11. All calls by the referee are final and are not to be disputed.
    1. First offense:  Referee will warn player.
    2. Second offense:  Suspended from the game. 
    3. Third offense:  Suspended from the league.
    4. Protests will not be accepted or considered when concerning judgment calls of the referee.
  12. No alcoholic beverages allowed on school property.  Smoking on school property is strictly prohibited.
  13. Failure to abide by the above league rules will result in disciplinary action by the Executive Committee.


  1. Players must always conduct themselves in a respectful and sportsmanlike manner.  Disrespect towards HHMVL employees or Executive members will not be tolerated and may lead to formal discipline.
  2. Any player who is determined to have committed any inappropriate verbal, written or physical aggression against a referee/scorekeeper and/or any member of HHMVL including the executive members will be barred from the league immediately.  The act resulting in the barring will be reviewed by a committee appointed by the executive officers.  Once reviewed, the period of suspension can be changed by the committee based on its findings.  The review committee can be any current and/or past Executive that can be asked to sit on the committee by the current Executive. 
  3. Any player determined to be the aggressor in a fight will be suspended immediately.  The relevant incident will be reviewed by a committee appointed by the Executive officers.  Once reviewed, the period of suspension can be changed by the committee based on its findings.  Further, the committee can rule that other participants involved in the incident will be disciplined.
  4. Any player receiving a second suspension during a season shall not be permitted to play any further games that season.  His/her eligibility to return to play in the following season will be reviewed by the Executive.
  5. Committees described in rules 2 and 3 shall consist of a minimum of three positions of the league Executive.  No member of a committee can be a person involved in the matter that the committee is to rule upon.
  6. Committee decisions must be brought to the attention of the appropriate team captain.  The captain then has the responsibility of notifying the player(s) involved of that decision as soon as possible.
  7. When a suspended player or team captain disagrees with any decision made by a committee such person has 48 hours from the time of captain’s notification in which to appeal such decision.  Appeals must be made to the Executive in writing (hmvlexecutive@gmail.com). The request to appeal will be acknowledged and a date on which the appeal will be heard will be set.  The appeal must be heard within 2 weeks and the acknowledgment and date setting must occur within 48 hours.
  8. Any player wishing to file a formal complaint can contact the Executive in writing (email hhmvlexecutive@gmail.com) with their concerns, providing details and contact information for appropriate parties to the complaint. Receipt of the email will be acknowledged within 24hrs, then reviewed by the Executive members and a decision on next steps will be made by vote before responding to the complainant within 5 business days.
  9. Team Forfeit

Teams are expected to roster enough players to ensure coverage for their weekly matches.  On Call and borrowed players must not be used to circumvent this requirement.

A) First offence = loss of points for that night and letter to team captain that explains consequences of next forfeit

B) Second offence = $25 fine payable within 30 days (or prior to playoffs, whichever occurs first)

C) Third offence =$50 fine payable within 30 days (or prior to playoffs, whichever occurs first)

D) Any fines not paid within 30-day period (or prior to playoffs) will be suspended from play until paid in full

E) Fourth offence = playoff elimination

F) Excludes any in-game injuries.

  1.  Players

All players must meet the registration requirements and must sign the roster sheets for each match prior to start of game. 


Players that are Borrowed/On Call players are allowed to assist shorthanded teams during regular season games but are subject to the following limitations:

  • A borrowed player must be rostered to a team from the same division.  This is limited to one player per match and used only to prevent a forfeit.  If the shorthanded team has 2 males and 2 females present, the team cannot borrow a player.

  • On Call players may be used to fill the court for the match and this is not intended to displace or sideline rostered team members who are present.  On Call players may play “one division down, or any division up” from their divisional skill level as indicated on the On Call list (www.hhmvl.com

  • On Call players who agree to join a team roster must notify the Executive immediately.  They will complete the team registration process (team captain must provide the Team Code) and their eligibility as an On Call player will be withdrawn for the remainder of the season.

If an opposing team suspects an illegal player is being used, they should notify the Referee prior to the start of play.  The Referee will confirm the roster/on call list eligibility on the HHMVL website and can request photo ID from any player as necessary.

A legal player is defined as a registered player, a player registered to another team within the same division who is being “borrowed” to prevent a forfeit or an on-call player. 

**Borrowed or On Call players are not legal players during any playoff games. 

An illegal player is defined as a non-registered or non-rostered player.  

    A)  First Offence = Team forfeits that night and falls into Team Forfeit rule and the player receives written warning 

    B) Second offence = 2-week suspension for player and Team Forfeit rules apply


    C) Third offence = Loss of playoff privileges** for player, and Team Forfeit rules apply


    D) Fourth offence = Season suspension for player and Team Forfeit rules applies.

11.   Playoffs
       All players must be rostered and have played 3 matches during the regular season to be eligible for playoffs. Borrowed and On Call players are not eligible for playoffs.


1 set = 1 game.   3 sets (games) = 1 match.   1 scheduled hour =1 match

Playoff schedules will follow a double knock out format wherever possible.

Prizes for Divisional Champions will be awarded.  This amount will be determined by the Executive prior to the start of season, and presented at the Year End Banquet. 



  1. Each team will pay an entry fee to play in this league.  If the Executive creates a team from individuals, the prorated entry fee will be paid to the league by each player.  The registration fee will be determined by the executive officers prior to advertising opening date for registration.  The fee will be used to pay for facilities, referees, and league operations for the upcoming season.
  2. The registration payments for league play and tournaments will be received by e-transfer to hhmvltreasurer@gmail.com  
  3. Payments for Pick Up will be accepted by cash at the door (or e-transfer - with First & Last Name mentioned in the comments section - in the case of prepaid play cards). 
  4. The league does not accept cheques as a form of payment.  


  1. All league accounts will have co-signing power.  Any cheques issued by our league must be signed by at least two (2) Executives.  Members that are related cannot hold these two executive positions.  No two people holding signing power can be on the same team.
  2. The league will move to digital banking processes whenever possible, including automatic deposits and e-transfer payments.
  3. The league is authorized to implement the use of e-transfers for expenditures provided a printout of the confirmation is attached to the expense document and a regular audit is conducted by the signing authorities.
  4. No cheques may be signed blank.  When signed, the cheque must be filled out completely, containing the date, amount, and payee and encoded to indicate the reason for the payment.
  5. Tournament fees will be determined prior to the start of the season.  The team registration fees will be collected by e-transfer.  If a team chooses to withdraw due to insufficient registration, the funds will be returned immediately to the email of the paying member by e-transfer.
  6. The Executive will set fees for Pick Up nights prior to start of regular season and this fee will be collected on a cash basis.  An option to purchase a prepaid play card will be available by cash (or e-transfer to hhmvltreasurer@gmail.com at least 24hrs in advance of play). An attendance sheet and corresponding payments (bearing signatures of 2 Executive members) will be forwarded to the Treasurer for confirmation and deposit to the HHMVL bank account with the signed attendance sheet will be kept as corroboration for the income for accounting purposes.  
  7. A financial audit of all accounts must be completed twice a year
    1. After the fall half of the season and 
    2. At the end of the winter season. 
  8.  Should an inquiry be made regarding the financial status of the league then the services on an unaffiliated accounting firm will be dispatched to complete a full audit.  The audit will need to be prepared and completed within 30 days of the inquiry and the results will be made available to league members upon inquiry.
  9. The Treasurer’s report will be presented at regular Executive meetings and at the AGM (annual general meeting).  Failure to do so will cause the Executive to immediately investigate.
  10. It is advised that all league financial transactions be conducted in cheque form if proper documentation is unavailable for digital banking purposes.  Receipts should always be expected and should be filed for future reference.
  11. If required, after internal investigation, legal actions may be taken.
  12. If any league prizes are not claimed within one month, they will be returned to the league.
  13. The league is required to complete proper tax filling on an annual basis.
  14. Two copies of the HHMVL OPERATIONS binder containing a description of positions, duties, passwords, permit and access information, contacts, and succession procedures must be always kept up to date.  The President and Vice president will be responsible for the security of the binders.  Should a binder be lost/stolen all Executives must be notified, accounts locked, and passwords changed immediately.  Passwords must not be shared by any electronic means. 




  1. Amendments can be made at the AGM (annual general meeting) or by an Executive majority.  If necessary, the vote can be completed by email or at an in-person meeting.
  2. Whenever possible, proposed amendments should be submitted in writing to the President at least one (1) week prior to the vote.
  3. Each amendment, whether separately or in block form, shall require a vote of league members before becoming part of the constitution.
  4. The current Constitution must be accessible on the website (www.hhmvl.com)