HHMVL LEAGUE RULES - amended Jan 26, 2025
OVA rules will be adhered to except for the following modifications:
- All players must be 19 years of age or older and registered members before their first game.
- No spectators under the age of 19 will be allowed due to insurance policies. No game can start with any spectator under the age of 19 years. Having them in the hall/corridor is not permitted. If the player with the spectator under the age of 19 years has been asked to remove the child and/or children from the schools/building and does not comply within a timely fashion the game will not start. If the spectator is not removed by the scheduled game time the game will result in all three games being defaulted for the team the person is on. Staff working for the HHMVL are exempted from this rule.
- Street shoes are not allowed on the gym floor. Please bring appropriate shoes with non-marking soles for play.
- Players must not bring anything onto the court that may present a safety issue, including water bottles, hats and unsecured clothing items or jewellery.
- A team must carry a minimum of 3 males and 3 females on its roster, with a maximum of 14 players per team roster.
- Changes to team rosters after the December 31st deadline require written permission from the executive. Team captain must request roster changes by email at hhmvlexecutive@gmail.com and provide the reason why the change is necessary. The executive reserves the right to decline such requests subject to the rules herein.
- For game play, the minimum number of players to constitute a team is four (4) with 2 males and 2 females on the court. Failure to do so will result in forfeiting the win and to proceed with an exhibition match. No more than three (3) males may be on the court at any time.
- On Call / Borrowed players may be used as described in Article 7(10) of the constitution.
- A scheduled match includes a 5-minute warm up and 3 games (where time allows). The first game starts at 5 minutes past game time. The teams will be given a 5 minute “grace period” if they are not ready to play. The first game will be defaulted at 10 minutes past game time. The second game will be defaulted in another 5 minutes (15 minutes past game time) and the last game will be defaulted in another 5 minutes (20 minutes past game time). Teams can choose to continue with an exhibition match. Any forfeits should be recorded on the scoresheets and confirmed by captains.
- Serving
- Serves must be made from behind the serving line, one foot over the service line is permitted at the discretion of the referee.
- A whistle will indicate service and the server gets one release of the ball for service. Failure to wait for a whistle will result in a re-serve.
- Maximum 5 serves per server.
- Service out of order will result in a loss of service and any points accumulated by that server will be deleted.
- Players rotating in will enter to the centre rear position.
- Scoring will be awarded by rally point – each game will be to twenty-five (25) points (win by 2 with a cap of 27). If time for the match expires, the leading team will be awarded the win.
- The referee will monitor time and give a 1-minute warning. If the ball is in play when time expires, that point will be played out.
- Each game is awarded 1 point with 3 points awarded for the match.
- All calls by the referee are final and are not to be disputed.
- First offense: Referee will warn player.
- Second offense: Suspended from the game.
- Third offense: Suspended from the league.
- Protests will not be accepted or considered when concerning judgment calls of the referee.
- No alcoholic beverages allowed on school property. Smoking on school property is strictly prohibited.
- Failure to abide by the above league rules will result in disciplinary action by the Executive Committee.